Saturday, March 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Dodoooo

kul sana o inte taiba sweet sister....

Dodo is my family success story; she is da smartest, growing up I alwayz had hard time from my teachers "her teachers as well" cuz she is 2 yrs older than me, and one yr older than MaySoon; so going to da same school teachers used to yell at me when I get a real bad mark and say "why rn't u as good as ur sisters" dodo is smarter than so they refered to her most of da time I would simply answer them by saying I am not I've alwayz been proud of her and tell her success stories all da time "fortasa tetbaha be sh3ar ukhtha" so now mashallah she is doing her Ph.D in Pathology and Immunology in da states and she is turning 28.... also she is not da nerdy time, she has da best sense of humour; yallah come back we all miss you here and wish you were here so we can happy a big party for you hehehe cuz u r da spoiled kid of da family ;o)

Love and kisses

special wishes from your cuz Aboora and da whole family


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot sweetie...I am deeply touched by your words :)
And I want to say that I look up to you guys too (You & MaySoon), everyone is smart in their own way.


MaySoon said...

Yes dodo-immunemania ;o).. HAPPPYYYY BIRTHHHDAYYY TOOO YOUUU From me and Meral :o) hugs & kisses hope to see you here soon inshallah... Baba and Mom send their wishes as well..

Brave Heart said...

happy birthday dodooo,
damoon wlahi sometime i find it dificult to read the english arabic.
it seems all the blogger have someone's birthday in march

Dinooo said...

Hey Hey Hey sweet Dodo, guess who's getting old! don't worry ur not getting old its just the rest of the world around u is getting fuzzier and smaller lol Happy Birthday anyways ;) u better come down, call and vist as u promised. we'r waiting for u. Don't u miss sweet london, NOT!!!

DaMoon DaBomb :D miss writting in ur blog was a bit busy the last days but interesting topic there and nice libyan pics, definitely diff. than "Benghazi"!!

Salami to all and kisses to Meral

Anonymous said...

happy birthday for the smart sister.
wish her success and happines wherever she is.

Anglo-Libyan said...

Happy Birthday and many happy returns inshaAllah.

DaMoon said...

Dodooo is very happy with all ur wishes...I can read her mind from thank you guyz/gurlz

Anonymous said...

DaMoon is right...I'm delighted to read your wishes.
Thank you all very much for your wishes, you guys are the best... I was feeling exhusted and gloomy having to work over the made my day walahi



Lebeeya said...

March is a great month! Happy Birthday Dodo! Kul sana wenti tayba inshallah :)

oummLeen said...

happy birthday Dodooooo and wish u the best and have a happy life .

a_akak said...

Happy Birthday "Damoon" sister :) and i agree there is a thing with March and blogs and the Geel from the 80's