So yesterday eve, after the girlz came over to my place we decided to go to my fav place Demetrie's
we alwayz make fun of their HUGE Menus
Ice cream anyone?
Da Last Straw "Strawberry ice cream, and covered with crepes and fresh strawberries, Piccolina, Wallahi I ate for u :p
I got this yummy Chocolate Ice cream on a waffle and fresh strawberries YUMMY
Chocolate ice cream with fudges
one of da gurlz was hungry so she ate their chicken Cesar YUMMY I took a
Da after
7'eik ya DODO za el shefana...greb tsaweri 7ata 7emamkom? lol jk... we dont have that in Dubai and i thought that we have everything here (think again)....when r u going back to the 3odma?
LOL ya ta3ib mesh leek jk, wallahi kana 3jbik I just love to share the things I love with da world....I am going back le el3odma around 20th, why? u wanna ufrush da red carpet for me ;) matkalfish ro7ik
i already told u what i would like to tell u about all those pictures lol
I HATE YOU loooolll
ok i do forgive u only coz u r kind and u r eatting for me so u'll be the one who gets fat LOL " evil smile " lol
i'm soooo happy for u wallahi for what u got and for all the fun u r having
bless u ya 7elwa
lovely pic and keep them coming :) and dont eat toooo much or ........... :P anyway it good to see you enjoying yourself and with ur energy i doubt you get jet lagged
Enjoy!!!! and sa7teen
Fe Aman Allah
did you eat all of these deserts?
Sa7a w3afia :o)
cool stuff, i had waffles yesterday, whoever invented ice cream and waffles needs to be awarded a nobel prize seriously
Piccolina; wallahi ayen 7aja feha Strawberry I am eating it for xx
Ahmed; I am very jet lagged wallahi, waking up very early still like today I woke up at 6 am if not before that! I am on vacation u know I shouldn't be waking up before and everyone here says I lost ALOT of weight so 3adi if I gained few back ;) hehehe jk I don't want to :p
Anglo-Libyan; I just ate the chocolate ice cream on da waffle topped with Strawberry and I do have agree with White African, I couldn't have said it better if there is something better than Nobel Prize Wallahi ella ma na3tihala or
why you are doing this to me , this is not fair , why there is no Demetrie here :(
Sa7tain for you and the girls ...please send my regards to all of them :o)
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