Ok, we were talking in Lebeeya blog about how we should have a competition on who's hand writing is worse, and Ahmed claims his hand writing is unbeatable...I'll start by posting mine, and whoever wants to participate should post their hand writing up in their blog most likely "cuz that's the only way"..lol
please note that, I didn't write these pages today so I am not cheating, these are notes I took at work, one I believe was in March and da other one in April 1st
YOU BE DA JUDGE.........bring it onnnn...lol
Wow your hand writing is soooooooo good compared to mine lol as i said mine is worst than "khat Adjaj"
Trust me :( but i will participate
LOL wow yallah post something for our eyes ;o)
Haha.. Who the hell hired DaMoon!!
My hand writting is not that bad but i had to admit that urs is extremely bad for an office person lol
trust me.....u need a decoder to decrypt my ahnd writing...I mean I myself sometimes cant read what I write!
let me show , Mine takes the cake!
hehe dindin, u r an organized person to start with, so u know it comes with the complete package of urs ;)
Lost-Libyan; sometimes I can't read my hand writing as well....
ah well...sheno sar fee ur exam?
Damoon check later for my Hand Writing ;)
how was ur exam lost?
It was ok el7amdolilah thanks for asking Ahmed...such a relief....but still got another round of exams next week!
but wish me luck ppl...and let me show u my hand writing!
Hey Damoon,
I would love to play but I know I am sure I’ll lose
Btw, nice photo … awesome
( a whisper: do you know that it is a fact that people who look back, can’t look forward? )
when will you be positive, and start looking at the camera ?
And Hey ??
Why are you scared anyway ???
Who is going to eat you ??
I don’t understand to be honest .. year 2007 , and …
wallahi 7ashamtoona ya ebnaweet libia
i would disagree with mr cofman
As a libyian/muslim girl i respect that you dont just show your pic on the net as you never know who is out there
mr cofman, a bit of advise we are muslim's and for us girls we dont just show off and i dont think showing her pic has anything to do with "its 2007"!!!
A Friend ;P
thanks cofman for da complimant...I would say if I want to reveal my identity I probably would have used my real name not DaMoon, so keep that in mind, and many bloggers know who I am laken I am not going to expose it to da entier world...so it has nothing to do with da yr 2007 ... but inshallah one day when u come to Libya we'll have da bloggers meeting o nt3arfo kulna m3a ba3dna as a big happy family...
A Friend ;P, I think I might know who u r..lol but don't get me wrong, but me not showing my pic doesn't have to do with me being a muslim, it's just I am not comfortable for other reasons...but I can be mistaken...
and da whole story after da pic is me and my friend at work were bored and decided to take statue pics of ourselves..lol it was a silly thing to do and i kinda thought this one would match my blog! ....sooooooooo let's not make it an issue ...and go back to my ugly hand writing hehe
wow HOT TOPIC :) this is even better than my terrible hand writing lol anyway my opionion is ...................... anyway i know u dont want to start anything so i will respect that and not say anything and my coment will be the dots and the pic is lovely
Fe Aman Allah
A Friend ??
How are you?
If I were in your shoes I would say:
Hey Cofman ??
if you are really a man, go and show your picture
Friend? Why didn’t you ask me this question ?
omg jeezuz christ what kinda writing is that???? 7eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
and aren't u violating some kinda data protection act statute thingy??? although ur hand writing is barely readable you can still make out some emails and numbers for these dudes :D.. ok ok ill stop now..
But hey it was Ahmed who declared his khat djaj, I declared handwriting supremacy!
Hey cof dude why don't u come down to my blog I've got a really interesting article about Libya that you could read. I laboured over it intensively the last few hours :D
Damoon....Dero meeting bro7kom...im so not coming...I wanna keep a low profile and not reveal who I am.....lol (paranoia)
:)...and Cofman, dont u know the guys in libya, they would simply download her pic, start send it bel "bluetooth"----> as I mentioned before, we libyans always abuse the technology!
Damoon, ur like a superhero whose identity remains dark until the end of course, someday el mest7'abu yban!
haya ciao :P
is Rajab Sari an indian name? :P
Not so bad. I give it a 7/10 :)
Ahmed, I am waiting to see your khrabeesh! Dont make us wait for long. ma3andesh sabar! :P
lol @ " ma3andesh sabar! "
As has been promised the hand writing post is up
relax guyz, I am not giving away any type of info cuz it's very accessible, and those names can be anyone...
Leebeya, Raja Sari nationality remains hidden, cuz I don't know myself...I thought he was Indian but I was told he is Turkish!!! da name doesn't sound Turkish to me at all....
and ya lost libyan, el meeting fatit o ane 7aseet ro7i shoftk :p
as with Ahmed's hand writing it is readable and not that bad.
joking :o) its actually a it bad but so what its not something that you need a lot anyway.
how so? I mean kef fat el meeting and how come u saw me!!!?
Ok, got my handwriting published …
Mafeesh etsahweek lo sama7to
بناتي أبنائي تحياتي بين الحين والاخر اقرأ ما تكتبون في هذا الموقع وتثيرني بعض الاراء الرائعة والتي حقا تستحق الانتباه لها والمواضيع التي يجب ان نعطيها اهتمام اكبر
عذرا اني اكتب باللغة العربية منكم من يستطيع قراءتها ومنكم لايستطيع فمن يرى ان يترجمها للاخرين فله جزيل الشكروما يهمني هو افكاركم التي ووجهات نظركم فانتم جيل ليبي يحمل افكار متقدمة ويعيش حياتين لا اقول منفصمة بل متصارعة تسعى للأنسجام مع الذات انتم منكم ليبي الانتماء والجذور ومنكم من وضعته الظروف للعيش بين ليبين ومنهم من تزوج ليبي وفي هذه الحالة يعيش او تعيش الحالة ومما اعجبني في هذا الموقع الكتابة بصراحة وبساطة الطرح والتلقائية
عموما فكرة التعليق على جمال الخط وترتيبه ووضوحه في رأي انعكاس لشخصية الانسان كنا في الماضي حيث قليلة او نادرة الكتابة بالالة الكاتبة نعرف الشخص او صاحب الخط من خط يده اما الان اصبح كلنا نرتاب مما نتلقى من كتابة مطبوعة ....ففي الكتابة باليد عند قراءتها كأن الشخص يطل علينا من الورقة التي ارسلها لنا سواء رسالة او موضوع في العمل بالرغم من ان الطباعة اسرع الان الا انها تشعر بالتوجسس وتحاول يائس ان تعرف شخصية من ارسل اليك الرسالة لو لم تكن تعرفه مسبقا الذي كان بالامكان من خلال خطه يعطيك فكرة ولو بسيطة عن شخصيته ....وهذا رأي شخصي فقط وتجربة شخصية ما رأيكم ..؟؟؟
Damoon.......Nerd? you giving this "akak" a bad name :( ahhhhhhhh
PS: Damoon my the force be with u :P and remember “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” hahahahahahaha :)
Take Care & Fe aman Allah
wallahi i did my best to understand what u wrote !!
i believe i'm bad at reading lol
kul 7aja emtal3een menah gesa kebera...
i see damoon's pic as creative..cuz who'd think of posting a pic and not looking at the camera? not many..so cofman i think it has nothing to do with "forward and backward theory" in my opinion...
I actually love damoon's pose..
ma3leshi ya damoon,i felt like commenting on the subject u wanted close...cuz i really do think it is creative...way to go girl..plus i have seen ur face on pic and i'm not as curious as everyone who doesnt probably is! hehe
Damoon ?
You know your handwriting? I was looking at it just now, enlarged picture … very similar to mine when I write quickly… of course not easy for others to read, but I can because I wrote it for myself …
In many ways it is like mine , … not very organised … I write everywhere … on the edge … or the centre .. or top right … yeah, never start at the right place, ie top left … actually I often start using a new page before the last one is half full ….
Actually walahi you are brave Damoon to post this hanwritting . I could read everything of course :P .... You're a very nice looking girl as well :P
I agree with highlander wallahi, a very nice looking girl, mashalallh,
.. You know before you showed us your pictures, I bet everyone of us had some idea – or some image in our imagination - about people we communicate with on these pages …
I just give you a good example , or explanation to what I am trying to say:
I am pretty certain now that you have a very individual taste and style … I mean from my reading to what you write you are almost always the same person …. You may ask: well, I am the SAME person … yeah, of course … but your mood, and how you feel seem to be the same all the time … I guess, only a guess, you have a strong and free personality … and with a strong willpower ..( rasik emssakir sometimes lol .. you don’t care about outside world lol ) ..
Now ya Damoon, lol, if you look at your picture again, you’ll see what I am talking about lol
Just look at where you have your arms … yeah … not straight down, .. no .. lol … or inside the pockets … NO WAY .. . .. the way you have your arms, you are almost saying: “ Yeahhhh; What Do you WANT ????? ”
But yeah, definitely, a nice looking person, with clear head
( and hey ?? here is a secret lol … you are clever .. I know it ... oh yeah .. i am sure … so Please remember: cofman is your friend .. lol … I am wallahi )
B3d Ethnek ya DaMoon,
People I would like to introduce you to our Mom "Sukkra" reading it with emphasis on K as in former “Swani Sukkra” close to Menshya in Ben 3ashour..:o)
And Cofman, I think what you said about DaMoon is like 90% true..lol
a question, if you see a women wearing NEGAAB (Btw i mean Nigaab not khmarr as i am sure you know the difference) on the street do you keep imagining how she actually looks like or do you look to the ground and respect her?
PS: This is by no means an indication that i agree with Neggab or khmarr
Damoon: Sorry for taking up ur space :P
Fe Aman allah
beshwyia beshwiya...lol let me deal with each one of u
Happymoie; thanks haboba, u go gurl, U r offically hired to be my lawyer..lol I mean isn't that what u study?..lol thanks gurl
Sukkra; thanks mom...lol it feels weird to have u in da blog world, hehehe what if u and dad piss me off, where should I scream? I mean it's okkk, I know u r a big reader, so it doesn't hurt to have another insight
Highlander; thanks 3ionk huma elli 7elwat hehehe
Ahmed; nerdness leads to lonliness, lonlieness leands to sucide..lol so no nerding around plz.. :P
Cofman; yes my hand writing is all over da place, I don't stik to lines nor to side ways, I think it says alot about me just like Sukkra said!!! writing reflects da personality of da writer...so I am a free spirited person, love life, love to have fun and not sure about doing watever I want..lol as long as its within limits then yes...:p "I'd love to get a tattoo for example" laken I can't but ah well..lol but thanks for ta7leel eshakhsiya el mufasal :p
Ahmed; dunno how to answer ur question, it depends whether u r asking a male or female the same question....very different when it comes on how we look at things...I mean I'd say "sheesh, as mani says"...lol or say tent...lol I mean I am just being playful but watever it's her decision so I have nothing to do with it, and I guess u can tell by da figure and "da eyes" how da lady behind da cover looking like, I never wonder though! and it's just me and as a gurl i wouldn't lower my gaze...lol I'd look even more hehehe jk
sorry stupid question, what's da diff between negab and khmar? thanks ahmed
Ahmed ??
“ i mean Nigaab not khmarr as i am sure you know the difference ”
sorry Ahmed I really do not know
1) what they are
2) and the difference
I know Hijab, and I know scarf and I know mo7rma
Ahlain wa Sahlain,
Kaif el 7al ?
Inshallah tamam
Yes I agree 100 %
كان بالامكان من خلال خطه يعطيك فكرة ولو بسيطة عن شخصيته ....وهذا رأي شخصي فقط وتجربة شخصية ما رأيكم ..؟؟؟
- - -
Damoon and Maysoon,
Can you please say to your mum this:
Please continue writing … I understand everything … I checked her page and found nothing ….
Thanks in advance, thanks a lot to Sukkra
Although you dodged answering the question but the difference is that negab is when only the eyes are reviled (i call it Ninja) and Khmaar is when its all covered (i call it Amsalvera "Silver") ...... back to my point, why dont u consider that the blog is the Negab/Kh,aar as u can only see a small part and respect the rest and not try to pry into what has not been given or reviled by the person.
Sorry Damoon
Hey Ahmed?
I wasn’t trying to avoid answering your question .. I wasn’t lol …, now you explained, .. it is a lot easier for me to answer;-
“ on the street do you keep imagining how she actually looks like or do you look to the ground and respect her?”
Sheeeeeeeeesh ya ahmed
( the radio mani said lol )
Salam Damoon um.. sheeeeeeeeeeeesh.. whats going on here?? :D
I gotta say first, that ur handwriting is wicked!!.. looks like mine some places.. I even think I know mr. khalid Ellafi but whatever :P
salam SUKKARA ma'am :D (heheheheh)
Cof, walahe your really charming I gotta feeling that we are gonna have looooooads of explaining to to do for you though lol but that’s great.. here comes the radio...
I only say sheeeeeeeeeesh in either amazement, disbelief or disgust :D.. so if that’s ur response to Ahmad's question then I’m happy, cause for me personally, to be asked that question is to question my moral integrity, and I would react with sheeeesh (disbelief)... but my next step would be to be honest and ask... what of my behaviour compromised my moral integrity for this person?
now that's maybe not what Ahmad was saying but I think the hijab issue (which sneakily manages to creep in everywhere :) generally misunderstood, and I also think you misunderstand it genuinely ya Cof.
The sensible thing now, would be to ask.. if the hijab is not a cultural backwardness that people 'suffer from'.. then what is it??.. and what does it mean??.. is it just a cultural symbol to be respected and made more 'fashionable'??..
or are there 'meanings' for it???.. as in 'reasons'.. as in 'very good reasons' why those who truly wish to wear it do wear it??
here I'll start you off, one reason is deffo to safeguard the woman's fragile defences from the naked gazes of men, that seem to unstrip clothes off women in a matter of seconds, no matter how much they cover themselves…
so the reason here then is two fold.
1) shielding the woman from the promiscuous onslaught of men,
2) and deterring men from compromising their moral integrity by falling for their early lusts, hungry for their eye’s dessert.
just part of a recipe that could help maintain social harmony, deter social deviance and encourage manners that help us all flower... what do u think?
Hey Mani??
I said it before more than once:
Someone should write something about Hijab/Negaab/ tent/plastic bag/ cover against nuclear attack/ … whatever ..
I do not know even some of the names … so someone should do it because, for me, now it sounds like trying to speak Swahili
( we need names PLUS pictures … words on their own would only add to the confusion )
sheeeeeesh cof....
Again .........................
Fe Aman Allah
thank u for ur comments guyz wallahi ma3ndeesh khlooq get engaged in da convo, sorry, I feel very sad for Piccolina's lost and another young man at Sahari Bank Corinthia Branch died yesterday too, very sad, I was supposed to go n3azi piccolina but didn't make it so that makes me feel even worse, enna le Allah wa enna elih Raje3oon
"3ash min shafik la sma3 mink blog" :P
Hallooooo where have u been? insha allah u r Ok and there is nothing wrong with u :)
Fe aman allah
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