Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Adorable, gosh I love him

I just want to share with the entire world how happy I am, how happy having someone this special in my life who loves me this much, appreciates me and treats me right... my fiancee ... to tell you the truth; I've alwayz had problems with the word "love" whether there is true love or not and up to day I don't believe in "Romeo and Juliet love", what I believe in is loving someone means understanding, appreciating, accepting differences, working together to become better people, making mistakes and learning, being your complete self with your soulmate, and connecting in a different level. so in my case alhamduliallah meeting my fiancee made me fully experience the above feelings. I guess it all comes down to one thing, "soulmates" completing one another.
here is the card my fiancee got me... made me melt big time gurly stuff I guess!! so Valentine's day or not Valentine's day I know how much I love him :o)


Anonymous said...

thanx hun...... muawah ... H&M forever ...

Anonymous said...

HADA MAGABLEK EL3AFOO YA RABEE,lool kidding sweety:p
you deserve the BEST in this LIFE. PEACE SUGA;)


Anglo-Libyan said...

wishing you both health and happiness and inshAllah all goes well for a fantastic future.

Anonymous said...

Yo H get the Girl some real presents. lool:p man H&M this is COOL


DaMoon said...

H&M 4ever dats right...

A gurl, sa7ete ya 7elwa

DaMoon said...

Anglolibyan, thank you and include us in ur do3a as we need it.

MaySoon said...

Sweet of you Lucky H, Rabbi e3ged 3salkum :o)

piccolina said...

aweeeeeeeeeee .LOVE IS IN THE AIR lol
i'm so happy for you sweetie and i totally agree about what u said about love !
i'm so happy for you !

Anonymous said...

Wish you happiness all the way with your loved one.
that was sooooo romantic and lovely and cute.

raby ehaneek ;)

DaMoon said...

Thank you gurlz rabe ehanekum too :o)

Lebeeya said...

Awwwww This is so sweet!!!
I think I am jealous... ok it's confirmed... I am jealous :P

Rabi yis3idkum inshallah. You are in my prayers. Nibi 3iris!!! I want to orgos! :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with everything babe, u deserve the best.. and best wishes 4 the future :):)

Dinooo said...

Sweetie DaMoon,
We've been friends for so long that I don't know what I'd ever do without u. We've been there for each other during times of hurt and offered each other strength during times of loss. We've watched each other change in so many diff. ways. We've laughed and talked, and confided in each other the things we'd never dare to tell anyone else. U've been the best friend any person could be. I hope u know in ur heart how much that long time friendship means to me coz it means the most; It's been special for a long, long time to me and I cherish everything u've done, each happy memory, we've laughed together, dreamed and shared, helped each other and always cared. That's why ur friendship has been special, just as it will always be. Sweetie DaMoon, u don't know how much happy I am reading ur words about ur fiancĂ© and how much happy u r, coz I know what u went through to find this "Mr. right" guy and by any chance if he read this msg I ask him to fully take good care of u and to be sure that he's gna be experiencing the laughter, the tears, and the craziness of life with someone who understands and loves with a big white heart; and it means so much to share it with someone like sweetie DaMoon. Sam7eni ya 3asola if I wrote too much but this is my first msg to u here and that’s nt even enough of describing u! Inshallah btethano or if u wana hear it using my Libyan words that u thought me ;) which I can never 4rget of course "raby ehaneek ya samoo7a". Love u lots and miss u more.

P.S. When is the wedding, I wana get my ticket to Libya :D

DaMoon said...

Lebeeya, tanx hun, laken dunno when 3ris is, but we can still orgos if u r in a
Dorra, thanks sweetheart

and of course my one and only bestest friend Dinoo, habibti inte wallahi, how can I forget thoese days; I just miss em big time..thanks habibti and u better not use ALL da libyan words I thought not in public ;)