Wednesday, August 22, 2007

off to Singapore

Dear Bloggers,
I've been on and off da net, very limited access, and oh I took sooo many pics for u guyz, DaStars keeps on goes, gosh U LOVE taking pic's don't u!!!, I simply answer "it's for my blog" well anywayz, after spending lovely times here in Langkawi Island, we r off to Singapore today inshallah, we stop in Kuala Lumpur for an hour then catch another flight, so I can't wait for that part....:o) Langkawi is very pretty mashallah, and as some of you might know, it's monsoon season, so rain rain rain...."rain on me" we stayed in 2 different resorts, one in the south and one in the north, just to experince different flavours, and both places are so pretty mashallah, I'll be posting pics when we go back inshallah....
so anywayz, I think I gained weight :( well, I am sure I did, maybe 2 kilos, or 3 Allahu a3lam, ...DaStars for sure gained alot of weight, and he's determined to lose it in Ramadan inshallah, cuz if he doesn't "I'll make him"
well, just wanted to say hi to all of you ...:o)
take care


Anglo-Libyan said...

good to know all is well :o)

look forward to your updates

salam to both of you

dusk till dawn said...

its great to know u both making the most of ur happy honey moon.enjoy singapore, u will love it, do not go crazy on shopping there, make sure to bargain when buying ,i do not know if i can say this but there is a huge beautiful zoo try not to miss it,

Highlander said...

Enjoy your time :)

Alone in Tripoli said...

Glad to hear you're having a god time, Singapore is a beautiful place, I'm sure you'll keep enjoying your honeymoon.

Anonymous said...

have a great time sweetie..happy for you :D


Happymoi said...

heey damoontie
;p im soo happy to hear all is going well for writingto u from thee comfort of my hotel room...thankss for the commeent at my bbolg, haev lots ooff fun...n yees keep taking piics...salaams 2 bboth oof uu:)

Anonymous said...

Well, i was wondering where you'd gone...
nice to know you have a lovely time!

wa salam/Hanan in Stockholm, Sweden.

StarLit said...

keep enjoying your time and see ya soon girl !!!

DaMoon said...

thank you guyz, it sure is a beautiful place, too many peeps for such a small island, also WAY TOO MANY SHOPPING CENTERSSSS.....i honestly we r in indian town now, dastars says i fit in perfectly here....hehehe everyone thinks i am pakistani!!!! or indian!!!!!!!!! i guess i do look like them 'acha'
thanks again and best of luck to u too

Romana said...

damoonoo, loooool ya "acha" inti, loool
i knoowww, way sooo many shopping malls, a friend of mine was living there and always used to tell me about the soda3 he gets after visitng! loool

2 kilos is nothingggg! loool ra7a nafsiya ya bett, lool, tawa jee hnaya lil ham o il 3'am o lose them min 3'er ma t7essi,lool, post-travel effect in libya! lool

cant wait till u get here


a_akak said...

its good to hear from you DaMoon!!! and its even better to know that you add another 2 kg to the XX kg :P anyway as long as you are healthy and having fun then its fine and ok :)

Enjoy the remainder of ur trip

Fe Aman Allah

Lebeeya said...

Girl, I miss you!!!!!!! Hope all is great with you. I'm SO SORRY I couldnt attend your wedding. I'll email you inshallah...

Hope your having a great time with your husband :)

Lost-Libyan said...

dodo....this is no longer a is a honeymoon season! :)
when r u going back? miss u halbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

a_akak said...


Girl are you slacking off !!!!! ok ok ok we need a new post or a sign of life!!!!

Fe aman Allah

Happymoi said...

Happy belated b-day girl:)n happy ramadan