Tuesday, July 10, 2007

well, this thing is driving me nuts, I can't post da image
I am 81% Addicted to Blogging :o)

And Yes I do have a life...."Paranoid"...lol


Anglo-Libyan said...

you are the second highest after a.adam :o)

go on dont let it stop you from blogging, you are a second winner

MaySoon said...

WOW sis..lol you gotta control it!! or it'll be like a "dharra" to your hubby lol

DaMoon said...

I multi-task...lol I'll be working and blogging at da same time....boss plz don't fire me...lol

Romana said...

Damooon, mashalla mashalla, hehehe, u nearly aced it! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! lool, ani 51 bs :( what wrong with me again i wanna be an addict? lol

u know what, being S's assistant is taking away my energy! lool


DaMoon said...

hahaha yallah become and addict....lol
and I can't stop OMG OMG...LOL

Ayosh said...


piccolina said...

loool thank GOD i'm not the only female over 60% LOOL
hey relax and take a deep breath, we really don't need to be addicted to blogging .do we ???? " scared face "

Lost-Libyan said...

dude....get a LIFE!! u do need a life coach I do this as a part time job ( look who's talking) lol!!
too bad the site is blocked here...I couldnt take the test! :)

a_akak said...

lol hahahahahahahahahahahaha 81%!!! even i didnt get that much............ DaMoon, I tell you RSS makes your life much easier as you are informed when a new post comes up which means less time surfing

Engineering is Efficiency and Efficiency is Us Engineer..... Time over matter :P

Fe Aman Allah

DaMoon said...

Ayosh; inte elli freak ya freak...lol

Piccolina; wallahi ekhi 3lina...lol mesh lageen sheno ndeero!!!

Lost; lol dude!!!! exactly look who's talking and for ur info I DO HAVE A LIFE....lol well not exactly but meh! alhamduliallah

Ahmed; ...LOL can u imagine me getting RSS with my lil computer skills? I would probably drive myself to da wall , gasdi ma3lishi rahu tai7a 3liya sabbooorraaaa

Lebeeya said...

LOL @ 81%


Anonymous said...

lol...Blogging junkie...keep it up and be aware, you may end up at 99% if you don't get another job after quitting this one..;oP



P.S. I'm pleased that at least you are not telling me anything about what's going on at Daddoo's house, unlike MaySoon! lol

Hiba said...

i am SORRY,I am not` in my lovely Mood.

Mixed Up Me said...

I can't remember my exact score, I think it was 65%, but I'm pretty sure I didn't answer all of the questions honestly, because frankly, I didn't want to know the truth :)